Sunday, August 3, 2014


Ice is Cold

Uncle Dan Makes me Laugh

Look Ma, No Hands to Eat my Bagel

The previous day, Lily did the same thing with a cookie.  She put the cookie in her mouth and then started pushing the pooh train with both hands, holding the cookie in her mouth.  She cracks me up!

She Loves Her Train

Train Ride

Who Needs Toys?

Winnie the Pooh

Lily LOVES this train, and loves this song!  We heard it about a million and one times this week.

Just Chillin' in Owen's New Chair with MomMom and PopPop

Jersey Girl

Fun on the Deck

Happy 11 Months!

Josefson Band

How Do you Contain a Rambunctiuos Baby?

This gave me about 10 minutes of peace.  :)